Editorial Member
Irma Carhuancho
Current Profile: Department Post graduate, Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, PERÚ
Country Code: PE
Email Address: imilagroscm@ucvvirtual.edu.pe
Phone: 983938868
Editor Database Profiles
Scopus ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57214934793
Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4060-5667
University Link: https://cris.ucv.edu.pe/en/persons/irma-carhuancho
Mailing Address
Carhuancho-Mendoza Irma Milagros
Department Post graduate, Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, PERÚ
Post Doctorate in Finance at AIU - USA. She has a PhD in Administration and a Master in Finance at the Federico Villarreal National University. Candidate for Doctor of Administration at the University of Celaya Mexico. Master in Virtual Learning Environments from the University of Panama, recognized by Sunedu. Degree in administration. Principal professor at the César Vallejo University, she leads the research group Management and education in organizations, Research Director at UCV Virtual. Professor at undergraduate and graduate level in national and international universities. Speaker at academic scientific events in Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Chile and Spain. Author of research articles indexed in Scopus, WOS, Scielo, Latindex. Arbitrator in indexed journals. Professional Qualified by Concytec as Renacyt level V. Inventor recognized by Concytec with patents. I am easy to interact with other people, I am used to teamwork, proactive, with initiative to achieve goals and objectives, adaptable to change, leadership, negotiation skills, perseverance, with reflective capacity and predisposition towards lifelong learning. I currently belong to the Scientific Committee of the Innova Research Journal, and publish articles in Scopus and WOS. I published the Holistic Research Methodology Book in UIDE-Ecuador with Chilean and Peruvian peer review; also author of a chapter of the book Innovation, education and effective governments published by the UCV-Perú. I have participated as a speaker in events of international significance, such as the International Multidisciplinary Research Conference, the 11th International Congress of Higher Education in Havana-Cuba, and others.
Editorial Notes
I published the Holistic Research Methodology Book in UIDE-Ecuador with Chilean and Peruvian peer review; also author of a chapter of the book Innovation, education and effective governments published by the UCV-Perú. I have participated as a speaker in events of international significance, such as the International Multidisciplinary Research Conference, the 11th International Congress of Higher Education in Havana-Cuba, and others.