Plagiarism Policy for The Pinnacle International Journals

At The Pinnacle International Journals (PIJ), we uphold the highest standards of academic integrity, and we are committed to ensuring that all the research published in our journals is original, ethical, and contributes to the body of knowledge without compromising intellectual property rights. Our plagiarism policy is in place to prevent any form of plagiarism and ensure that authors and researchers maintain the integrity of their work.

Our eight international journals include:

  1. Critique Open Research & Review
  2. International Journal of Management and Business Development
  3. The Pinnacle Research Journal of Scientific and Management Sciences
  4. International Research Journal of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
  5. International Research Journal of Library and Information Sciences
  6. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Development
  7. International Research Journal of Medical Sciences and Health Care
  8. International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Technology

Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s work, ideas, or intellectual property without proper attribution or permission. It includes, but is not limited to, the following forms:

  • Direct Plagiarism: Copying someone else’s work word for word without citation.
  • Paraphrasing without Citation: Rewriting someone else’s ideas or work without proper acknowledgment.
  • Self-Plagiarism: Reusing one’s own previously published work without proper citation or approval.
  • Mosaic Plagiarism: Mixing phrases or ideas from various sources without proper citation.
  • Accidental Plagiarism: Unintentional failure to cite sources or incorrectly citing sources, which still constitutes plagiarism.
  • Data Fabrication or Falsification: Presenting falsified data or research results as genuine.

Plagiarism Detection and Prevention

To maintain the quality and integrity of research published in our journals, The Pinnacle International Journals employs a comprehensive approach to detect and prevent plagiarism:

  • Pre-Submission Screening: Authors are strongly encouraged to use plagiarism detection software (e.g., Turnitin, iThenticate, or similar tools) to ensure that their manuscript is free of plagiarism before submitting it to the journal.

  • Editorial Review: The editorial team conducts a preliminary screening of all submitted manuscripts for plagiarism. If significant overlap with existing publications is detected, the manuscript will be rejected, and the author(s) will be informed accordingly.

  • Post-Acceptance Screening: Before publication, all accepted manuscripts are subjected to plagiarism detection software to identify any content that may be improperly referenced or duplicated.

Consequences of Plagiarism

The Pinnacle International Journals takes plagiarism seriously and follows a strict policy to ensure the integrity of the scientific record. The consequences of plagiarism may include:

  1. Immediate Rejection:
    If plagiarism is detected during the initial submission or the peer review process, the manuscript will be rejected outright.

  2. Retraction of Published Articles:
    If an article has been published and plagiarism is subsequently identified, it may be retracted from the journal, and the authors will be formally notified. A statement of retraction, including the reason for the retraction, will be made publicly available.

  3. Banning from Future Submissions:
    Authors found guilty of plagiarism may be banned from submitting future manuscripts to The Pinnacle International Journals.

  4. Notification to Institutions:
    In cases of severe or intentional plagiarism, we reserve the right to notify the author’s institution, funding bodies, or relevant professional bodies, depending on the severity of the violation.

  5. Legal Action:
    In cases of significant plagiarism or academic fraud, The Pinnacle International Journals may take legal action, especially if the work involves copyright infringement or misappropriation of intellectual property.

Author Responsibilities

As an author submitting to The Pinnacle International Journals, you are expected to:

  • Ensure Originality:
    Ensure that all content in your manuscript is original. If you use existing work, whether your own or that of others, it must be properly cited and referenced.

  • Proper Citation:
    All ideas, data, or direct quotes that are not your own must be cited appropriately in the manuscript. This includes sources such as books, articles, websites, and unpublished data.

  • Disclose Prior Publications:
    If your manuscript includes content previously published in any form (e.g., part of a thesis, conference proceedings, or preprints), you must disclose this at the time of submission and ensure proper citation.

  • Verify Data:
    Ensure that all data presented in your manuscript are accurate, and avoid fabricating, altering, or falsifying data.

Review Process and Plagiarism Handling

Our editorial board and reviewers are trained to identify potential plagiarism and will flag any issues during the peer review process. Upon detection of suspected plagiarism:

  • The editor will assess the extent of the issue.
  • If plagiarism is deemed significant, the manuscript will be rejected.
  • For minor cases of plagiarism, the authors may be asked to revise the manuscript and provide proper citations before resubmission.
  • If a conflict arises or there is doubt regarding plagiarism, the editor will consult with experts to resolve the issue.

Collaboration with Plagiarism Detection Tools

The Pinnacle International Journals partners with trusted plagiarism detection tools such as Turnitin and iThenticate to screen submissions. These tools help identify similarities with previously published material, thereby ensuring the authenticity of the submitted work.

  • Turnitin and iThenticate compare submitted manuscripts against vast databases of academic publications, journals, books, and web content.

  • Authors are encouraged to check their manuscripts with plagiarism detection software before submission to avoid issues during the review process.

Appeal Process for Authors

If an author believes that the plagiarism accusation is a mistake or misunderstanding, the author may appeal the decision by following the procedures outlined below:

  1. Submit a formal appeal to the editor-in-chief, detailing the reasons why the author believes the manuscript is free from plagiarism or why the issue should be reconsidered.
  2. Provide additional evidence to support the claim of originality, such as a list of references, data sources, or explanations regarding content overlap.
  3. The editorial board will review the appeal and make a final decision, which will be communicated to the author.